Elevated Leadership

Our coaches have more than just qualifications

Paul Barnett

Executive Coach

Paul has experienced three careers.

The first was in the corporate world where he worked for Johnson & Johnson, Nestle and Asahi across Europe, Asia and Australia. These roles took him from the shop floor as a Sales Representative through to a CEO leading a business of 1700+ people.

Paul’s second career is as a Podcaster hosting the Great Coaches Podcast, which explores leadership through the lens of the world’s great sports coaches. The podcast is in the top 2% of podcasts worldwide and is a great source of insight for anyone who wants to improve the way they lead their families, colleagues, or teams.

Thirdly, Paul is also an executive coach, with a Certificate in Coaching from the University of Cambridge. His coaching leverages his diverse experience, as he coach leaders and teams towards the leaders they aspire to be.

Grant Liversage

Executive Coach

Grant is an experienced executive, having worked 25 years in significant global enterprises with a career spanning finance, strategy, and general management, in diverse cultural contexts across Africa, Asia and Europe. His career has been driven by a passion for people development and leadership, and a demonstrated ability to adapt and deliver results in challenging business contexts.

Most of Grant’s career was spent in the SABMiller group which grew from a South African base in the late 1990’s into a global brewer, culminating in a takeover by ABInBev in 2015. During his career with SABMiller, Grant was fortunate to attend executive development programs at institutions such as the University of Oxford and the University of Pennsylvania, and in 2021, he completed a Certificate in Coaching at Cambridge University.

Grant’s executive coaching leverages his cross cultural and corporate experience to help drive meaningful and positive change in people’s careers, leadership journeys and personal life.

Zuzana Zeleznikova

Executive Coach

Zuzana is an accomplished Executive Coach with a wealth of experience in the business world, spanning over 25 years. Her journey has taken her through the intricacies of the beverage industry, including roles with global giants like Heineken. Throughout her career, Zuzana has held leadership positions in various countries, honing her skills in sales, distribution, marketing, and management. Her strategic acumen has allowed her to steer organizations through complex challenges while her passion for people development has been the driving force behind her success. Zuzana has cultivated high-performing teams, fostered talent, and implemented effective business strategies. With international coach accreditation and certification as a Neuroleadership Certified Coach, she employs a brain-based approach to coaching, drawing from her extensive background to inspire positive change in careers, leadership journeys, and personal lives. Together, you can navigate the path to success.

Kanchan Rege Thrasher

Executive Coach

Kanchan is an Executive Coach; her career has taken her from caring for patients, through leading healthcare professionals to caring for leaders. She has extensive leadership experience having been the Chief Medical Officer and Deputy Chief Executive on the Board of a large UK NHS Hospital Trust.

During her seven years in post, Kanchan led them through the acquisition of a neighbouring hospital and led the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She have learned a lot from leading during troubled times. She understand that even at that the best of times, being a leader can be lonely and that juggling multiple stakeholders can be stressful. Kanchan also knows that having the confidence to realise and deliver your vision is exhilarating and provides immense personal and professional satisfaction.

Kanchan’s primary area of focus is healthcare leaders as she has been a doctor for over 30 years. However, her clients also include leaders in other industries from law, banking and academia to those in the creative industries.

Kanchan’s approach:

Life is all about people and the relationships between them. Kanchan knows how to build rapport and trust in a psychologically safe and confidential environment. She has been doing this all her professional life. Kanchan uses a variety of integrative techniques, but she is consistent in her warmth and humour. She is led by her clients, either holding them to account or, simply asking questions, listening deeply and seeing where the relationship takes them. She aims to raise her clients’ self- awareness so that they can act by choice and with intention rather than out of habit.

An important part of Kanchan’s approach is that she does not limit the conversation to work so she can discuss boundaries and well-being as much as business plans and forecasts. Repeated thought patterns learned in childhood can sabotage in adulthood. Kanchan uncovers these in a sensitive and respectful way in the service of her clients’ development. Self-knowledge and resilience are essential for sustained leadership.

Kanchan’s passion is to enable leaders to be the best they can be.


Jonathan Cole

Executive Coach

Jonathan is an experienced global executive and is also a qualified executive coach. His passion is for building strategy & purpose, people development, cultural diversity and delivering long term results in our constantly changing business and world environment.

As an executive he has worked for Pepsi Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Lion and most recently Westrock . During his career he has worked and lived in the UK, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Having started in marketing and becoming Marketing Director for Pepsi Asia he moved on to general management roles and then moved on to run the Asian business for the world’s largest consumer paper packaging company.

Jonathan is now an executive coach, with a professional certificate in coaching from the Institute of Coaching and Consulting Psychology. This enables him to combine his global business and cultural experiences with his passion for coaching and mentoring executives, which helps them achieve their goals and aspirations both in their business and their personal lives. He is an attentive listener and has the ability to ask challenging and thought provoking

questions to help his clients create and navigate their long term life journey.